Skincare tips to help your skin look its best - even when the paparazzi sees you at your worst

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays!


On December 20th, I was going through beauty products and samples that I have yet to touch and thought, what better way to celebrate the holidays than to share it with my lovely readers! I randomly picked a reader that left a comment on my previous post and sent her a package that arrived just in time for Christmas. The lucky reader was Natalie of NaTGN. Congratulations and I hope you liked the package!

And to everyone else, thank you for leaving comments and subscribing to my blog. There will be more surprise giveaways in the future.

Until then, best wishes and have a fantastic holiday.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Chocolate and Your Skin


Chocolate and Your Skin - Picture from WaxNakedCom on Flickr

I am a chocolate feen. I eat out of a jar of Nutella - yes, I'm that disgusting. Remember that acne commercial back in middle school that pretty much linked chocolate to bad skin? Some people say I eat too many chocolate bars or that I don't wash my face... But that didn't scare me, I still ate chocolate anyway. I love chocolate and it's about time I shed light on the real deal behind chocolate and the skin.

I saw a book today and the title was: Why Red Wine and Chocolate Will Cure Your Heart. Okay, I got the red wine part down, now let's see the benefits of chocolate.

The good news: There is no evidence that chocolate triggers blemishes.

Cocoa actually contains more antioxidants per cup than red wine or green tea and if you really want to head down to the healthy route with chocolate, eat them dark. Dark chocolate protects the skin from UV light and therefore, fights aging.

It also has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and helps your body recover after a hard workout. In a recent study, people who drank chocolate milk between workouts scored better on fatigue and endurance tests than those who had sports drinks.

The antioxidants in cocoa are known as flavanols, which increase blood flow and prevent cell damage and inflammation.

What does seem to cause acne are diets heavy in high-glycemic foods—including highly refined carbs like white bread, pasta and potatoes, as well as sweets like doughnuts and jelly beans.

So eat up, my chocolate feens, but skip the bread.

About Paparazzi Skin

A blog that explores skincare and the truth behind product claims.

I am not a dermatologist nor do I claim to be. I extract information from books and the internet that I believe will help educate readers and myself about skincare.

From time to time I will do makeup-related posts.

paparazziskin [@] gmail . com

Toronto, Ont., Canada

Skincare Books

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beautiful Skin
by Marsha Gorden and Alice E. Fugate

Future: Product Reviews