Skincare tips to help your skin look its best - even when the paparazzi sees you at your worst

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sk1n Probiotic Systems - Night Cream


Sk1n Review

I was first introduced to the Sk1n Probiotic Systems when I was checking out an online sale. Probiotic (beneficial bacterias) are commonly "used as ingestibles to help replenish and maintain the balance of healthy and harmful bacteria regulating our internal health."

Anywho I did my research on the product line using MUA and googling up reviews. There weren't a lot of reviews but the ones I could find were positive - a little too positive. Call me a skeptic but some of the ratings gave me that unsettling gut feeling. It screamed COMPROMISED to me.

A couple days later I was shopping around Winners and saw a Sk1n Night Cream on the shelf for a few dollars so I decided to buy it and write a review on it.

What it claims:
Night Cream An exclusive combination of natural probiotics and minerals that absorbs quickly and includes a time-released moisture booster that oxygenates and hydrates your skin while you sleep. This all-natural cream is an intensive anti-wrinkle treatment that improves cell metabolism and vitality. Dermatologist tested.

I put it on at night and when I woke up, my face was oily looking. It looked oily but moisturized nonetheless. I've used it every day for a couple of weeks and I'm stopping its use. My forehead is full of zits. And my forehead is the only spot that's blemish free on my face. Now I feel like I'm back in grade 7 with a zit infested forehead. I've also developed some milia here and there around my eyes and face.

The verdict: Yes, your face may be more moisturized (you'll see that in the mirror the next morning) but for me, it came at a price: zits and milia. It retails for about $40 (I got it for a steal, by the way) so no, I would never buy it again.

About Paparazzi Skin

A blog that explores skincare and the truth behind product claims.

I am not a dermatologist nor do I claim to be. I extract information from books and the internet that I believe will help educate readers and myself about skincare.

From time to time I will do makeup-related posts.

paparazziskin [@] gmail . com

Toronto, Ont., Canada

Skincare Books

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beautiful Skin
by Marsha Gorden and Alice E. Fugate

Future: Product Reviews