Skincare tips to help your skin look its best - even when the paparazzi sees you at your worst

Sunday, September 20, 2009

And The Winner Is...

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Cargo Blush Contest#12

Congratulations to Cindeee who won my Cargo Blush contest!

You have been emailed.


How The Winner Was Chosen
I simply input the number of contestants that entered (13) on and the number that appeared (12) was the winner. No cheats in this game!


I forgot to do this with my last contest but I took pictures of how the package looks pre-mailed. Because we all know what it'll look like once Cindeee actually gets it. A huge postal sticker with a bar code, the corners will probably be dented and I won't be surprised if all the ribbon was gone. Plus it looks cute! -=P

Paparazzi Skin Contest
Paparazzi Skin Contest

Thank you everyone once again for participating. There will be bigger and better contests in the future! Until then, flashing lights are still coming because the paparazzi is after your skin.

P.S. Loved Gaga's MTV performance.


CAT said...

Love, Loove the packaging ;)

About Paparazzi Skin

A blog that explores skincare and the truth behind product claims.

I am not a dermatologist nor do I claim to be. I extract information from books and the internet that I believe will help educate readers and myself about skincare.

From time to time I will do makeup-related posts.

paparazziskin [@] gmail . com

Toronto, Ont., Canada

Skincare Books

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beautiful Skin
by Marsha Gorden and Alice E. Fugate

Future: Product Reviews