Skincare tips to help your skin look its best - even when the paparazzi sees you at your worst

Friday, July 24, 2009

Exercising Is Good For Your Skin.

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My boyfriend and I love the commercials for Concerned Children's Advertisers, especially the ones trying to get kids to become active.

They're not the greatest quality but you can still see the humour behind it:

Not only is exercise good for your health but for your skin, too.

Exercising speeds up your metabolism and keeps your blood pumping to your skin and other body organs. As we age, muscle mass shrinks and depletes the muscle tissue that helps to anchor and support skin. By staying active, your skin will maintain its firmness and as a bonus, stop you from gaining that extra weight.

So keep those muscles working and stay active!


Anonymous said...

yeah... i really need to start doing some "more" exercise.
thanks for the reminder, hehe.

Mel said...

Hahaha so cute! Thanks for sharing. I really need to get off my butt and exercise...and to change my study break from snacking to a quick yoga session or something >_<.

Jae said...

Oh, I need to do exercise myself! And I know what you mean, Puff. I always snack when I'm bored and studying = boring!

Thank you guys for the comments!

About Paparazzi Skin

A blog that explores skincare and the truth behind product claims.

I am not a dermatologist nor do I claim to be. I extract information from books and the internet that I believe will help educate readers and myself about skincare.

From time to time I will do makeup-related posts.

paparazziskin [@] gmail . com

Toronto, Ont., Canada

Skincare Books

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beautiful Skin
by Marsha Gorden and Alice E. Fugate

Future: Product Reviews